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Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Professional Learning Resource for All School Staff

Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Professional Learning Resource for All School Staff


Level: Informed

Impact Assessments:

The aim of this resource is to increase knowledge of mental health and wellbeing in children and young people (CYP) and details what staff can do to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. Although the resource was written for school staff, it is relevant for the wider workforce working with CYP. The content was developed in consultation with children, young people, parents and carers, and staff working in schools across Scotland.

The resource takes a health promotion approach to mental health and wellbeing therefore it does not address treatment and intervention of any clinically diagnosed mental health difficulties. It does provide staff with a foundational knowledge, at an informed level of understanding about a number of relevant areas of mental health and wellbeing for CYP, and how to facilitate and support positive mental health. The resource contains an overview of knowledge and research, multi-media learning activities, case studies and practice examples.

The resource is aimed to be accessible to all but some topics vary in depth of knowledge and skill. Learners can work through all the topics or select the ones most relevant for their role.

There are 4 Core Modules, split into bitesize topics:

  1. An overview of Mental Health and Wellbeing
    An Introduction to Mental Health and Wellbeing
    The Mental Health Continuum
    Understanding Emotions
    Talking to Children and Young People about Mental Health
  2. Factors Influencing Mental Health and Wellbeing
    Introduction to Factors Influencing Mental Health
    Understanding the Brain
    Understanding Trauma and Adversity
    Health Conditions
    Digital Technology and social media
    Body Image
  3. Applying Prevention Based Approaches to Mental Health and wellbeing in Schools
    Introduction to Applying Prevention based approaches
    Building Resilience
    Letting Pupils Lead
    Facilitating Group Conversations about Mental Health
    Understanding Diversity and Discrimination
    Creating a Stigma Free School
    Working With Families and Communities
    Supporting Children and Young People to manage a Mental Health crisis
    Self-Harm and suicide awareness
  4. School Staff wellbeing


Is there a cost for this learning resource? :


Has this resource been accredited or endorsed by any organisation? :

This section has to be completed.

Training model:

The intended audience for this resource is all school staff. Although the resource was written for school staff it is relevant for the
wider workforce working with CYP.

The learning is delivered though an online open access resource which can be used to flexibly support independent learning. Learners can work through all topics or select those which are of most relevance for their role.

Staff capacity and time commitment:

The core content should take around 6-7 hours to complete and there are suggestions for further reading and learning.


Developed by Mental Health Foundation, Children’s Health Scotland and DigitalBricks and endorsed by the Scottish Government.

Contact for Further Development

Link to resource

Quality dimensions


Very accessible. Website hosted on virtual learning environment and available to access 24/7. Online modules only so no facilitators/trainers required. It has been designed and tailored for school staff, but is open access and available to anyone who may find it of benefit.

Learners can work through all topics or select ones most relevant for their role. Each topic opens in a new window and it will remember where you left off so that you can return to the same place at a later time.

Videos created for this resource have subtitling via YouTube. Learners can watch closed captioning in YouTube by clicking on the captioning icon in the bottom right of the screen. Videos that are not created for the resource may have subtitles but this is the responsibility of their owner. The full range of functions within YouTube, such as increasing the sound level, can be accessed by clicking on the YouTube logo. Audio without video is also available as a transcript from the Resources section in the top right of the topic screen. Accessible PDFs sit under each topic. A glossary is also provided.


Supports - Workforce

Time commitment is 6-7 hours or longer depending on level of reflection and any additional reading/accessing other resources signposted.

Staff will need protected time to complete online modules. This could be written into working time agreements/job plans and/or yearly appraisals with the aim of increasing knowledge of mental health and wellbeing in the workforce.

Supports - Technology

Participants will require access to a digital device and internet connection however each section of the resource can be downloaded in a PDF format and copied so that materials can be read offline.

Supports - Administrative


Supports - Financial

None for the original resource.

The resource does include suggestions for other tools and resources which learners might find helpful and some of these tools and resources have costs attached while others are freely available. Those with costs attached are clearly indicated with a £ icon within topics. This resource does not endorse any particular commercial resources and acknowledges that other resources are available.

Evidence base

This resource has a focus on mental health promotion and early intervention which is evidence informed and theory based and which supports a bio psychosocial understanding of mental health and wellbeing. A wide ranging body of research and knowledge informed the development of the resource and is contained within the resources at the end of each topic area. The content was developed in consultation with children, young people, parents and carers, and staff working in schools across Scotland. An Advisory Group was also part of the development of this resource and comprised representation from See Me Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Education Scotland, General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Association of the Directors for Education Scotland (ADES), Associations for Scottish Principle Educational Psychologists (ASPEP), CELCIS, and HealthySchools.

Impact assessments


There is a mechanism to provide feedback digitally at the end of each module.


The resource contains exercises for self reflection, case studies and quizzes throughout to support formative assessment of personal development.


There is currently no assessment of learner's skills in the workplace relating to changed practice from this resource.

Good practice requires support for implementation so a phone call to discuss what was learned/answer any questions about content and discuss how learning will impact their practice could enhance the impact of the learning from this resource.


This is not assessed currently.

KSF dimension information in relation to the learning resource

Child Development and Attachment

Mental Health in Children, Young People and their Families

Engagement, Containment and Communication

Identification and Understanding of Need

Supports and Interventions

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