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Essential CAMHS - Specialist Level

Essential CAMHS - Specialist Level


Level: Enhanced

Impact Assessments:

Essential CAMHS - specialist learning programme, builds on the foundation learning programme. The purpose of these two modules and associated learning portfolios, aim to support clinicians new to working in Child and Adolesecent Mental Health Services gain the knowledge and skills they need to make this tranistion successfully. The Speciliast Learning programme focussed on the skills of assessement and formulation, and then working therapeutically with children, young people and families.

Essential CAMHS - specialist learning programme is a blended learning approach with two interactive e learning modules and a learning portfolio completed under supervision within the learners work place. The learning portfolio contains activities, relfections and development tasks.  

Is there a cost for this learning resource? :


Has this resource been accredited or endorsed by any organisation? :

NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Training model:

The specialist learning programme is primarily focused on new clinicians to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) within Scotland, who have access to appropriate supervision. It is a requirement that learners have completed they foundation learning programme in full; which includes completion of the associated learning portfolio confirmed by their supervisior. The specialist learning programme is only available to clinicians working within specialist NHS CAMHS services.

A one-day training is provided to Essential CAMHS supervisors, which introduces them to the programme, models or supervision and additional support materials. A written supervisors guide is provided.  In some health board areas, Essential CAMHS supervision is partly delivered through a group faciliation model, and a written facilitation guide is provided on this model of delivery. Individual supervision is required for elements of the learning portfolio for the specialaist learning programme.

Staff capacity and time commitment:

The time to complete the modules will depend on the prior experience and knowledge of the learner, and then the amount of optional materials they chose to complete. As a guide the reading time for Module 4, Assessment and Formulation is 2 hours, with an additional 8 hours for supporting activities. Reading time for Module 5, Working therapeutically with Children, Young People and Fmilies is estimated at 1 hour, with 6 hours additional reading time. It is expected that learners will not complete each module in a single sitting, rather they will complete small sections of the module at a time. The completion of the learning portfolio is estimated at 20 hours for module 4 and 15 hours for module 5. The time estimate for the learning portfolios includes time spent observing and bring observed working with children, youjng people and their families.   


NHS Education for Scotland. Full details of authorship are detailed in the Introductory Guide.

Contact for Further Development

The resources is hosted on TURAS learn. Learners need to create a TURAS account, and then apply for the learning programme to demonstrate that supervision is in place. Essential CAMHS

Link to resource

Quality dimensions


There are intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for each of the modules.

The training resource is in a fixed form of the elearning modules available on TURAS - Essential CAMHS


Supports - Workforce

Guidance in using Essential CAMHS is provided in the introductory guide on TURAS. Learners will require sufficent time to complete the resource and learning portfolios. Learners require locally based supervisors who also need sufficient time within their job plans to deliver supervision and review learning portfolios.

Supports - Technology

Learners will require access to an internet enabled computer to complete the elearning resource.

Supports - Administrative

None is required. However, if supervision is delivered in a group facilitation format, additional adminstrative support may be required.

Supports - Financial

None is required.

Evidence base

The content and scope of Essential CAMHs is informed by the CAMHS competency framework and the Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing : a knowledge and skills framework for the Scottish workforce. The content of the material is reviewed on a period basis  with literature reviews for each topic and then reviewed by a stakeholder group.

Impact assessments


On completion of the modules, learner are asked to complete a feedback questionnaire.


Within the modules, learners complete knowledge checks. As part of the learning programme, learners rate pre and post knowledge and skills rating on the intended learning outcomes. In addition, the learning portfolios contain information about reflective practice. NES collects data about learners experience of completing the specialist learning portfolio, including self-reflection on the impact of the learning.  


Discussion of observation of clinicial skills is recorded within learning portfolios and part of the required supervision. Clinical supervisors confirm completition of the learning porfolio. Completion of learning portfolio is collected, however the content of the clinical portfolio is not assessed externally.


Not Collected

KSF dimension information in relation to the learning resource

Child Development and Attachment

Mental Health in Children, Young People and their Families

Engagement, Containment and Communication

Identification and Understanding of Need

Supports and Interventions

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